Your Strategic Partner every day – and night – of the year
A potential vendor came into our office in mid-November to make a pitch. We were ...
A potential vendor came into our office in mid-November to make a pitch. We were ...
General Business Management / Patient Communication
What's in your future, matey? Are you considering letting go of your longstanding, faithful landline in favour of mobile?
Today's blog is penned for the benefit of any practice owner or manager who has not read the recently published horror story in CDA Oasis. A dental office was down for 3 days after an employee opened an innocent-looking email.
We know that it's not healthy, yet many of us still give in to the temptation of eating sugar-laden foods. Good to know that the average Canadian adult's consumption of added sugars decreased significantly over the past decade and it is still decreasing. Canadian Beverage Association responds to U.K. Action on Sugar
Patient Communication / Productivity, Optimal Performance
I’ve been struggling with a marketing communication question: At what point does keeping customers informed ...
A Patient Portal is a smart first step in giving your practice the platform and the power to move towards engagement. Don't wait to harness that power!
Patient appreciation and business productivity can be optimized when the following techniques are adopted ...
Company News / Productivity, Optimal Performance
The following guest post is from Marinus J. Kolkman, Partner and Founder of iNETtechnologies Inc. ...
We’ve had great feedback from our many customers who now champion the ABELDent portal as ...
Productivity, Optimal Performance
For the past 10 years or so, the final weeks of August have been overtaken ...