Customizing Your Dental Practice’s Online Forms with ABELDent - ABELDent Inc

Customizing Your Dental Practice’s Online Forms with ABELDent

Angela Spinks
Angela Spinks
Wed, 25 Oct 2023 16:52:20 +0000

From new patient intake forms to health history to consent forms for treatment, your practice may already generate plenty of electronic files for forms every week. In this blog post, we cover some of the benefits of going paperless, as well as show you in detail how to customize your office's online forms using ABELDent.

Customizing Your Dental Practice’s Online Forms with ABELDent

ABELDent has some exciting new features coming to the program soon, including the ability to customize ABELDent’s online forms. Digital forms are a staple for many modern-day businesses and healthcare offices, including dentistry. From new patient intake forms to health history to consent forms for treatment, your practice may already generate plenty of electronic files for forms every week. If your practice is not fully paperless yet, consider some of the following benefits of digitizing your practice’s files, particularly by implementing online forms. 

Benefits of Using Online Forms in Your Dental Practice

What if the digital forms you currently have don’t meet your practice’s expectations? What if you need to make an adjustment to your practice’s online forms? Practices using ABELDent Cloud or Local+ benefit from ABELDent’s Form Builder, which provides you with the tools you need to edit the online forms you use to meet your needs.  

With ABELDent’s Form Builder, you can add or remove questions from forms, edit existing questions, change the order of questions, and insert informational paragraphs in between questions. ABELDent’s versatile form builder lets you create and edit any forms your practice may need and makes sending forms easier than ever before. Additionally, once your patient submits their digital form, the form goes directly to their patient file, eliminating the process of scanning or inserting information manually. 

You can also use the Form Builder to create an online form from scratch, customizing your office’s form to match your practice preferences. If your office changes branding or has a logo change, for instance, you can easily update your forms to match the new branding without having to create brand-new forms. 

 To learn how to use ABELDent’s Form Builder, watch our video below. 

If you are interested in learning about ABELDent’s upcoming features, get in touch with our sales team for more information, or give us a call at 1-800-267-ABEL (2235).

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